Wednesday, September 15, 2010

USH10 Chapter 3 Section 3 Study Questions

Chapter 3-3 Study Questions
Instructions: Incorporate the questions into your answers--ex. "Mercantilism is _____________."
I will not collect this, as you will need it to study for your chapter 3 test next week, but I will check it for a grade.

1) What is mercantilism?

2) How did mercantilists believe countries could prosper?

3) Mercantilists argued that a country should be self-sufficient in _____________.

4) What were the benefits and drawbacks of mercantilism for the colonies?

5) How did Charles II change economic policy for the colonists?

6) What were the requirements of the navigation act?

7) What were the colonists’ complaints about it?

8) Explain the Staple Act.

9) How did Britain enforce it in the colonies?

10) How did Massachusetts respond to the unfair legislation?

11) What did King Charles II do about it?

12) What was the Dominion of New England?

13) Who was Sir Edmund Andros and how did he cause problems for the colonists?

14) What actions did Andros take against the Puritans?

15) What was the outcome of the Glorious Revolution?

16) What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights?

17) Who gained religious freedom with the Toleration Act?

18) What changes came about in the colonies as a result of the Glorious Revolution?

19) Why is John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government important?

20) What are “natural rights?”

21) What did the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the colonial charters have in common?

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