Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 7-10 (A Week)

1A Early US Honors: Make sure you have your chapter 4 notes and questions done by Wednesday. We will spend the week discussing the chapter and examining some primary source documents.
2A Early US: Chapter 2 Test on Wednesday. Chapter 3-1 on Thursday.
2B Early US: Review for Test on Tuesday, Chapter 2 Test on Friday.
4A Modern US: Wednesday--return Chapter 14 Test; correct incorrect answers. "Frontier House" if time. Thursday: Chapter 15-1.
3B Modern US: Chapter 14 test on Tuesday, Chapter 15-1 on Friday.
4B World History 9 Honors: Chapter 3 test on Tuesday, chapter 4-1 on Friday.

Remember, all future tests will be closed book/closed notes unless otherwise specified. You are responsible for learning the material!

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