Monday, September 20, 2010


This week we're wrapping up chapter 15. Monday & Tuesday you will complete the chapter 15-4 study questions. The chapter test will be on Thursday and Friday respectively. Your biography project will be due then as well--instructions to follow:

Write a one-page (Times New Roman, maximum 13pt, double spaced) biography of any one of the people discussed in chapter 15 (including those mentioned in the short profiles). Include their dates of birth/death, their background, their accomplishments, and your opinion as to why they are worth remembering. How did they change society? You may use any resources available, but do NOT copy/paste (AKA plagiarize), and ALWAYS cite your sources!
Alternatively, if you do not want to write a bio, you may create a descriptive cartoon, write a rap or a song, or create a PowerPoint (bring your flash drive or print out the slides...gray scale is fine).
Due date: First class meeting of next week.

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