Thursday, September 30, 2010

US History 10 Study Questions link

In the event that you lose your sheet, here's a link to the list of questions. You should have finished at least section 1 today if not more. Please try to get through the rest of them ASAP...if you put it off for too long you may not remember to pick it back up! I will give you class time after fall break to complete it, but not the whole class period. Expect the chapter 4 test on Thursday and Friday respectively.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This Week in History (Class)--9/27-10/1 (B Week)

USH10-Honors: Put your thinking caps on! Dr. Thomas presents the Enlightenment.
USH10: Chapter 3 test
USH11: Chapter 16-1, "Stalemate in Washington"; bio project due/presentations

USH10: Begin Unit 2! Chapter 4-1, "The Colonies Fight for Their Rights"
USH11: Return to chapter 15--grade make-up/ test make-up for those who missed it. Bio project due!
WH9-Honors (back to room 120 this week!): Review for chapter test

USH10: Declaration of Independence
USH11: Chapter 16-3, Disfranchisement and Segregation
WH9-Honors: Chapter 4 Test

USH10-Honors: Chapter 5 Quiz due; chapter discussion
USH10: Begin Chapter 4 Study Questions
USH11: Chapter 16-3, Disfranchisement and Segregation

USH10: Continue Chapter 4; Movie? (Title TBA)
USH11: Continue/complete Chapter 16 Study Questions
WH9-Honors: Begin Unit 2! Chapter 5-1, "Spain's Empire and European Absolutism"

Facebook Group started!

First, the link!
So...I know a lot of you don't check the blog all that often, but I'm pretty sure that most of us are on Facebook quite a bit. Therefore, I have started a Facebook page for you. I will be moderating it to ensure its safety, but it is your page. You can also link back to this blog from it. The class blog is still going to be our primary source for class updates, so please make sure you have bookmarked!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

USH10 Honors

Hi everyone! I was looking around the web and found a Wikinotes page for our looks awfully blank to me. Don't you think we need to do something about that?
Here's the plan for tomorrow: Instead of everyone putting together their own set of notes this time, let's construct a Wikinotes Chapter 5 set as a class! I'm going to get the mobile computer lab tomorrow so we can use Google Docs to work through the chapter together. We can use the collaborative function to do it in realtime, then when we're happy we can upload it to Wikinotes.

See you in the morning!

Monday, September 20, 2010


This week we're wrapping up chapter 15. Monday & Tuesday you will complete the chapter 15-4 study questions. The chapter test will be on Thursday and Friday respectively. Your biography project will be due then as well--instructions to follow:

Write a one-page (Times New Roman, maximum 13pt, double spaced) biography of any one of the people discussed in chapter 15 (including those mentioned in the short profiles). Include their dates of birth/death, their background, their accomplishments, and your opinion as to why they are worth remembering. How did they change society? You may use any resources available, but do NOT copy/paste (AKA plagiarize), and ALWAYS cite your sources!
Alternatively, if you do not want to write a bio, you may create a descriptive cartoon, write a rap or a song, or create a PowerPoint (bring your flash drive or print out the slides...gray scale is fine).
Due date: First class meeting of next week.

Bonus Question USH10

5 POINT BONUS QUESTION: Which Enlightenment philosopher argued that if government does not serve the people as it should, the people had the right to overthrow it? What was the name of that book?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week of Sept. 20-24 (A Week)

An excerpt from my plan:

Week 6 (A Week)
Monday, 9/20
·         USH10 Hon Chapters 1-4 Test
·         USH10 Chapter 3-4 A Diverse Society
·         USH11 Chapter 15-4  The Rebirth of Reform AHSGE V-2A, ALCOS 11:1
Assignment: Mini bio (due Thursday)

Tuesday, 9/21
·         USH10 GRAD EXAM—Video: "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Conquerors"
·         USH11 Chapter 15-4
·         WH9 Hon: Chapter 4-3 The Atlantic Slave Trade
      Assignment: Section 3 Assessment

Wednesday, 9/22 (A)
·         USH10 HON: GRAD EXAM—video: "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Conquerors"
·         USH10 GRAD EXAM--video: "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Conquerors"
·         USH11 “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” movie

Thursday, 9/23
·         USH10 HON: Library day (if available)  Students will break into 9 groups of 3 and create PowerPoints—present assigned section of chapter 5.
·         USH10 Review/ Chapter 3 Test
·         USH11 Chapter 15 Test; Bio project due Monday

Friday, 9/24
·         USH10 Review/ Chapter 3 Test
·         USH11 Chapter 15 Test; Bio project due Monday
·         WH9 HON: Chapter 4-4, review for Tuesday's chapter 4 test

Friday, September 17, 2010

After School Test Makeup

FYI...there are six of you who have tests to make up after school. I will be here this Friday after school but I cannot be here next Monday afternoon. Please make an appointment with me--I can also be here by about 7AM any day next week but you MUST have a note from me in order to be in the halls before your designated time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

WH11--Life in the tenements

So, I was looking through, when I found a section called "Play." It has virtual webcomics and a cool virtual tour. I hope you like it!
Remember when I was talking about immigration and Ellis Island? I have a site for that too. There's a virtual tour and some accounts from immigrants. By the way, I'm seeing some very impressive "Dear Diary" entries...great job!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

USH10 Chapter 3 Section 3 Study Questions

Chapter 3-3 Study Questions
Instructions: Incorporate the questions into your answers--ex. "Mercantilism is _____________."
I will not collect this, as you will need it to study for your chapter 3 test next week, but I will check it for a grade.

1) What is mercantilism?

2) How did mercantilists believe countries could prosper?

3) Mercantilists argued that a country should be self-sufficient in _____________.

4) What were the benefits and drawbacks of mercantilism for the colonies?

5) How did Charles II change economic policy for the colonists?

6) What were the requirements of the navigation act?

7) What were the colonists’ complaints about it?

8) Explain the Staple Act.

9) How did Britain enforce it in the colonies?

10) How did Massachusetts respond to the unfair legislation?

11) What did King Charles II do about it?

12) What was the Dominion of New England?

13) Who was Sir Edmund Andros and how did he cause problems for the colonists?

14) What actions did Andros take against the Puritans?

15) What was the outcome of the Glorious Revolution?

16) What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights?

17) Who gained religious freedom with the Toleration Act?

18) What changes came about in the colonies as a result of the Glorious Revolution?

19) Why is John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government important?

20) What are “natural rights?”

21) What did the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the colonial charters have in common?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 13-17 (B Week)

This week in USH10 we will focus on New England, the Middle Colonies, the Imperial System, and in the case of the B day class, colonial society. Note the hyperlink for the Middle Colonies...this is really a good page. Check it out.

USH10-Honors: we're going to wrap up chapter 4 and review for the test this week. The test is scheduled for next Monday. Check STI to make sure you've submitted all your quizzes!

In USH11 we're looking at immigration, urbanization, the Gilded Age, and reform efforts. Here's a preview:

WH9-Honors: This week we will cover chapter 4, sections 2 and 3. I'm hoping that my copy of "Guns, Germs, and Steel" will arrive tomorrow!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Extra Credit Opportunity: History Talk @ the Downtown Library

Especially for the Early US classes...there will be two speakers at the Main library this Sunday from 2-3 PM. The topic is "Living Life: Antebellum Huntsville." Here's a link with the information. I'm going to try to be there too. Bring back evidence that you've seen the show...either a signature from one of the speakers, a picture, or a brief description of what you found interesting and/or surprising. It'll be worth 10 points!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Online Resources!

There are some great review activities available on your textbooks' websites, including mp3 summaries of each chapter, games, flash cards, etcetera.
World History 9 Honors: Chapter 4
US History 10: Chapter 3
US History 11: Chapter 15

Saturday, September 4, 2010

US History 10/US History 10 Honors

I'm currently hunting down primary source documents and found this document from the English slave ship Brookes. The pictures in your textbooks are just a little snapshot, but this gives a better idea of the conditions African slaves endured during their overseas voyage.

September 7-10 (A Week)

1A Early US Honors: Make sure you have your chapter 4 notes and questions done by Wednesday. We will spend the week discussing the chapter and examining some primary source documents.
2A Early US: Chapter 2 Test on Wednesday. Chapter 3-1 on Thursday.
2B Early US: Review for Test on Tuesday, Chapter 2 Test on Friday.
4A Modern US: Wednesday--return Chapter 14 Test; correct incorrect answers. "Frontier House" if time. Thursday: Chapter 15-1.
3B Modern US: Chapter 14 test on Tuesday, Chapter 15-1 on Friday.
4B World History 9 Honors: Chapter 3 test on Tuesday, chapter 4-1 on Friday.

Remember, all future tests will be closed book/closed notes unless otherwise specified. You are responsible for learning the material!