Monday, October 18, 2010

US History 11, this one's for you

Hey everyone...FYI, I didn't mention it in class today but you may use a 3x5 card on the Chapter 17 test. Tell your friends! I'll put it out on the Facebook group too. Remember to turn in any missing stuff as early as possible so I can get those last minute grades added in. I didn't realize that assignments wouldn't show up for you if I left the grade blank on STI...I didn't want to give anyone a zero until I had sorted through all the papers. I'll see whether I can tweak it somehow so that everything will show up. While we're at it, here's that assignment from section 1 again:

¢Write a sentence with each of the following terms (these can reflect your opinion on them as well): imperialism, protectorate, Anglo-Saxonism.
¢Complete questions 3, 4, and 8 on pg. 525.
¢Answer the following question—What problems arise when we view our own culture as so superior to others that we refuse to accept new ideas from other cultures?
I'm going to try to put some more detail in our weekly plans in the future. If you missed a day, make sure you email me for the PowerPoint so you'll know what we did! 

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