Welcome to US History 10!
Textbook: The American Vision, Volume 1.
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Standards Addressed in Course
Standards Addressed in Course
Tentative Course Outline (Note: this is subject to change)
Day 1: Assign textbooks, Introduction to class, Overview of course
Weeks 1-3 Chapter 1: Three Worlds Meet--Migration, Native Americans, African Cultures, European Cultures, Europe Encounters America
Weeks 3-6 Chapters 2-3: Early Colonization--Spain, England, New England, Middle and Southern Colonies, The Imperial System, A Diverse Society
Weeks 7-9 Chapter 4: The American Revolution
Weeks 10-11 Chapter 5: Creating a Constitution
Weeks 12-13 Chapter 6: Federalists and Republicans--Washington and Congress, Partisan Politics, Jefferson in Office, The War of 1812
Weeks 14-15 Chapter 7: Nationalism, Early Industry, The Land of Cotton, Sectionalism
Weeks 16-17 Chapter 8: The Jacksonian Era, Changing Culture, Reforming Society, The Abolitionist Movement
Week 18-19 Chapter 9: Western Pioneers, Independence for Texas, War With Mexico
Weeks 20-22 Chapter 10: Moving Toward Civil War
Weeks 23-25 Chapter 11: The Civil War
Weeks 26- Chapter 12: Reconstruction
And, while we're at it, here's the PowerPoint wrap-up of what we'll be covering in class. <--click for link