Sunday, October 24, 2010

This Week in History (Class)--10/25-10/29 (A Week)**NOTE CHANGES**

USH10 Honors: Surprise! Dr. Thomas is going to kick off Chapter 7 with a discussion on the Founding Fathers--Chapter 6 Outline check today...make sure you submit your chapter 6 quiz if you haven't done so and begin outlining chapter 7.
USH10: Chapter 5 Section 3: Ratification. In class/take home assignment: Vocab/time line worksheet
USH11: Chapter 18 Section 1: Progressivism. Activity: Muckraking magazine cover

USH10: Chapter 5 Section 3: Ratification
USH11: Chapter 18 Section 1: Progressivism. Activity: Muckraking magazine cover Weather Day...we'll do this on Friday!
WH9 Honors: Chapter 5 Section 4: Parliament Limits the English Monarchy, Review for Test, Complete Trading Cards--Chapter Test Friday! Weather Day...the test is now going to be next Tuesday.

USH10 Honors: Chapter 7
USH 10: Constitution Handbook; Review for Thursday's test!
USH 11: The Suffrage Movement/Begin Iron Jawed Angels

USH10 Honors: Continue Chapter 7
USH10: Chapter 5 Test!
USH11: Finish Iron Jawed Angels--discuss movie, work on Guided Reading pack

USH10: Constitution Handbook; Review for Tuesday's test!
USH11: The Suffrage Movement/Begin Iron Jawed Angels Chapter 18-1: The Progressive Movement,  Activity: Muckraking Magazine Cover
WH9 Honors: Chapter 5 Test Chapter 5 Section 4: Parliament Limits the English Monarchy, Review for Test, Complete Trading Cards. There's a CHS pep rally today, so if we can get through everything we'll go.

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