Monday, October 18, 2010


Grades are going in tomorrow at noon--check STI! I've entered zeros and/or ones for things not turned in and you may notice a drastic change in your grade. I didn't enter them before in case I had some bundles of ungraded papers hiding around in my bags/turn-in box. If you see a missing grade for something you know you turned in, let me know so I can hunt it down for you! I will continue to enter the last few grades through first block tomorrow so FIND ME! I'll lurk in Mr. Watson's room until just before the bell, then I'll be in the upstairs workroom. Even if it's late, I'll take it--a 50 beats a 0 any time, and I'm not taking points off for your Chapter 16 questions this time since it's a test grade. You've had a lot of time to work on the questions so there are no good excuses.

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