Sunday, October 17, 2010

This Week in History (Class)--10/18-10/22 (B Week)

**Note changed schedule for B days**
USH10 Honors: Return tests, correct for half credit; begin outlining chapter 6. Take your quizzes!
USH10: Chapter 5-2
USH11: Review for test; finish Chapter 17 Assessment if you have not already completed it.

USH11: Chapter 17-3: New American Diplomacy. Homework Assignment: Chapter 17 Review, 1-17
WH9 Honors: Chapter 5-3: Trading cards!

Wednesday (B Day!)

USH10 Chapter 5-1
USH11: Chapter 17 Test
WH9 Honors: Chapter 5-3: Central European Monarchs Clash; Work on trading cards.


USH10 Honors: Chapter 6--BASIC summary. We'll talk about this in class. 
USH10 Chapter 5-2
USH11: Chapter 17 Test. Homework: Key Terms and Names, Chapter 18

USH10 Chapter 5-2
USH11: Chapter 17 Test. Homework: Key Terms and Names, Chapter 18
WH9 Honors: Chapter 5-4: Absolute Rulers of Russia.  Homework: Complete trading cards if not already finished. Next Tuesday we'll do 5-5 and the test will be Friday.

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