Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This Week in History (Class)--Thursday and Friday, May 5 & 6 **BOOK CHECKS THIS WEEK!!!**

I see that we'll be opening Thursday, so here's the plan:
1A: Chapter 21 test--open book/open note. Chapter 22 homework:

       I. Identify and state the historical significance of the following:
            1.     Oliver O. Howard
           2.     Andrew Johnson
           3.     Alexander Stephens
           4.     Charles Sumner
           5.     Thaddeus Stevens
           6.     William Seward
      II.   Describe and state the historical significance of the following:
           7.     Freedmen’s Bureau
           8.     10 percent plan
           9.     Wade-Davis Bill
         10.     “conquered provinces”
         11.     moderate/radical Republican
         12.     Black Codes
         13.     sharecropping
         14.     Civil Rights Act
         15.     Fourteenth Amendment
         16.     “swing around the circle”
         17.     Military Reconstruction Act
         18.     Fifteenth Amendment
         19.     “radical” regimes
         20.     scalawags
         21.     carpetbaggers
         22.     Ku Klux Klan
         23.     Force Acts
         24.     Tenure of Office Act
         25.     “Seward’s Folly”

2A: Chapter 12 Test (Bring your book and notes!). We will start chapter 13 on Monday.
4A: Chapter 28-3. Chapter 28 test next Monday! (SENIORS: pick up your final exam--due Monday).

2B: Chapter 13-1
3B: Finish 28-2/28-3. Test Tuesday! (SENIORS: pick up your final exam on Friday--due Tuesday)
4B: Chapter 17-1

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