Saturday, January 8, 2011

World History 9 Honors

As promised, here's the homework assignment:

You’re living in England during the Industrial Revolution. You want to let the upper classes know what life is like for the average person. Your choices:
Draw a cartoon, write a short poem, or write a 1-2 paragraph “letter to the editor” describing and/or expressing your opinion of one of the topics discussed today.
Due: next class

And now, some tips for making a good grade in the class:
Read your book.
Take notes.
If you've misplaced your book, you absolutely need to take good notes!!!  
Listen in class.  If you pay attention, you'll do better and so will the people around you.
Do ALL assignments. I don't assign assignments are designed to reinforce what you're learning in class. Besides, zeros for missing assignments are deadly for your GPA.  Remember, you're now in high school and your GPA is now cumulative. Everything you get from day 1 of 9th grade through your last day of 12th grade contributes to your average. That's what colleges are looking at.
Follow the blog and/or join the Facebook group (if you have Facebook). You don't have to add me as a friend to join the Facebook group, unless you want to. I have used Facebook chat with students to answer their questions about upcoming tests.  I use both resources to provide updates on the class and to share links, pictures, videos, and so on.  If you find something relevant that you want to share, you're welcome to post it as well. 
See you Tuesday (?)

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